THREADS is a community-based preventive program for youth who are at risk of future involvement with the Juvenile Justice and/or Family Court system due to PINS behaviors. THREADS provides support to youth and their families in an effort to avoid court intervention.

Available In:
Schuyler County
Grades K - 12
Referred by:
Contracted Services and Support Services, Parental, School, Mental health professional, Probation, resource or law enforcement officer
Family in home with case worker

THREADS is a community-based preventive program for youth who are at risk of future involvement with the Juvenile Justice and/or Family Court system due to PINS behaviors. THREADS provides support to youth and their families in an effort to avoid court intervention.

What THREADS Provides

  • Supportive individual Case Management for youth
  • Behavior change plan development with incentives
  • A safe environment for learning and practicing new skills
  • Holistic team approach to meeting the needs of the child
  • Supervised skill-building groups
  • Opportunities for youths to be involved in and give back to their communities
  • Evidence supported and strength-based assessments and intervention using models such as the Family Check-Up and Everyday Parenting
  • Parent support and training
  • Quarterly Family Team Meetings
  • Referrals to other programs and services based on identified needs

THREADS Eligibility

  • Schuyler County resident
  • Any school-aged child from Kindergarten—age 18
  • Demonstrates a pattern of problematic behaviors at school or home such as:
    • Extreme defiance
    • Refusing to come home
    • Leaving without permission or not being where caretakers expect
    • Running away
    • Truancy

Who can refer a youth to THREADS?

  • The parent or legal guardian with whom the youth resides.
  • An administrator, social worker or counselor within the school that the youth attends.
  • A therapist or other mental health professional
  • A probation officer, resource officer or other law enforcement officer

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